세포주 특성분석 논문자료

논문정보 링크

Chemosensitivity patterns and expression of human multidrug resistance-associated MDR1 gene by human gastric and colorectal carcinoma cell lines.

Park J G, Kramer B S, Lai S L, Goldstein L J, Gazdar A F

J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 1990 Feb;82:193-8


Characteristics of cell lines established from human gastric carcinoma.

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Cancer Res. 1990 May;50:2773-80


Radiation sensitivity and study of glutathione and related enzymes in human colorectal cancer cell lines.

Carmichael J, Park J G, Degraff W G, Gamson J, Gazdar A F, Mitchell J B

Eur J Cancer Clin Oncol 1988 Jul;24:1219-24


Enhancement of fluorinated pyrimidine-induced cytotoxicity by leucovorin in human colorectal carcinoma cell lines.

Park J G, Collins J M, Gazdar A F, Allegra C J, Steinberg S M, Greene R F, Kramer B S

J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 1988 Dec;80:1560-4


Chemosensitivity testing of human colorectal carcinoma cell lines using a tetrazolium-based colorimetric assay.

Park J G, Kramer B S, Steinberg S M, Carmichael J, Collins J M, Minna J D, Gazdar A F

Cancer Res. 1987 Nov;47:5875-9


Characteristics of cell lines established from human colorectal carcinoma.

Park J G, Oie H K, Sugarbaker P H, Henslee J G, Chen T R, Johnson B E, Gazdar A

Cancer Res. 1987 Dec;47:6710-8


Korean Cell Line Bank, Korean Cell Line Research Foundation,
101, Daehak-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, 03080, Korea
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