
특허기탁 수수료 인상 안내

조회수 : 6575회

이름 : 관리자

2015-04-15 15:30:32

- 특허기탁 수수료 인상 안내 -

2001년이후 동결되어있던 특허기탁수수료가 아래 WIPO의 공지에 따라
2015년 5월 14일부터, 인상됨을 안내드립니다.
기탁자께서는 이점 참고하시어 기탁하여 주시기 바랍니다.


Kinds of Microorganisms that May Be Deposited
Cell lines (human, animal, plant and hybridomas), eukaryotic DNA, plasmids (either in hosts or not in hosts), EXCEPT:
- cell lines having properties which are or may be hazardous to human health and/or the environment;
- cell lines which have special requirements for experimentation.
Schedule of fees
Services KRW
1.Deposit (including initial viability check, preservation and storage for 30 years)
- Original deposit (eukaryotic DNA, plasmids) 800.000
- Original deposit (human, animal and plant cell cultures, hybridomas) 900.000
- New deposit 70.000
2. Furnishing of a sample
- Eukaryotic DNA, plasmids 100.000
- Human, animal and plant cell cultures, hybridomas 150.000
3.Issuance of a viability statement
- Where a viability test is requested 70.000
- On the basis of the most recent viability test 10.000
4.Issuance of an attestation under Rule 8.2 10.000
5.Communication of information under Rule 7.6 10.000

Fees do not include transport costs or bank fees

총게시물 : 152개(현재페이지 : 4/총 페이지 : 8)

Korean Cell Line Bank, Korean Cell Line Research Foundation,
101, Daehak-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, 03080, Korea
대표자 : 박재갑 | 개인정보보안책임자 : 신영경 | 사업자 등록번호 : 208-82-03887
통신판매업 신고 제2015-서울혜화-0125호 | Tel : 82-2-3668-7915
Fax : 82-2-742-0021 | Email : kclb@kclb.kr

KCLB (C) is a registered mark of Korean Cell Line Bank. All rights reserved. 1998~2015